Examining the interface between the Rule of law (Goal 16) and Quality Education (Goal 4) in actualizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


  • Eberechukwu Ekemma Omezue-Nnali Legal Studies Department, Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic, Unwana, Afikpo, Ebonyi State.
  • Chinyere Ifeanyi-Aruogu School of General Studies, Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic, Unwana, Afikpo, Ebonyi State


Sustainable Development, Education, Law, People, Planet


In 2015, the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which can also be referred to as “Global Goals”, which is a global call to eradicate poverty and protect the planet. The Sustainable Development Goals are seventeen (17) in number, however, for the purpose of this paper; we shall basically discuss the 4th goal which borders on quality education and the 16th goal which is on Peace, Justice and Strong institutions (which centres on upholding the rule of law in a nation).  It is aimed that by 2030, these 17 goals would have been achieved by all the 193 United Nations member States. Thus, the SDGs’ core objective is for all people and including the planet to enjoy peace and prosperity and this is both for the present and the future.  There exist a correlation between the level of quality education available in a given nation and the responsive adherence to rules and regulation in the same nation. The educational attainment in a State would make it easier for them to adhere to the rule of law, and where the law rules, the crime rate is at its barest minimal point and every citizen that violates the law is sure to be punished by the same law, thus the law rules over sentiments, over culture and over economic interests. The instrumentality of the law is needful to ensure the realization of the 2030 SDGs. Law is an instrument generally recognized as a tool that shapes the behavior of people in a given society. In this article, we shall be considering the interface between Goal 4 and Goal 16 in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The scope of this study shall be limited to Nigeria and the United Nations member states to these SDGs and from whence the said goals emanated from. The Research Methodology adopted was purely theoretical approach sourced from the Library, newspaper and the Internet sources. It is thus recommended that the Legal professionals should keep up with the good works of upholding the rule of law in each member state, this is because upholding the rule of law would enhance peace and security in a State and it would take a peaceful and stable government to enforce quality education, free health policies, no hunger policies and any law whatsoever which would maintain and sustain the lives of the people and the environment at large.   


