Effect Of Unconventional Machining Instructions of Coolant Dispensation on Craft Students’ Achievement and Retention In Machining Practice For Sustainable Development Goals 4 And 9, in Government Technical Colleges In Enugu State, Nigeria.


  • Boniface U. Ezeora Department Of Technology and Vocational Education (TVE), Faculty of Education, Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT), Agbani, Enugu
  • Anthony Chukwuemeka Nnaji Inspector Of Education (Rtd), Enugu State Ministry of Education, Enugu


Unconventional, Conventional/traditional, Machining, dielectric fluid, emerging technology


The study is a quasi experimental research involving non-equivalent pretest posttest non randomized parallel group design. All traditional/conventional  machining processes use one form of coolant or the other especially a mixture of water and soluble oil. This solution is a conductor of electricity. unconventional high temperature resistant coolants on the other hand are usually dielectric oils/fluid with very high flash point.  Machining materials at a very high temperature capable of melting the workpiece but insulated from melting and electrocution by a dielectric fluid is one of the emerging technological principles of processing very hard materials. Therefore, a Unconventional Machining Instructions Model (UMIM) was constructed to teach the experimental group while the traditional/conventional model was used to teach the control group. A research question on how the  achievement and retention test scores of Government Technical college students treated with UMIM especially the coolant fluid (dielectric fluid) principle compare with those treated with Conventional Machining Instructions (CMI), guided this study. A null hypothesis was also used to test the mean scores at .05 level of significance. The findings of the study showed that the mean achievement and retention scores of the experimental group were 2.93, 4.89 and 4.88 for pretest, posttest and retention test scores respectively.  The mean achievement and retention test scores of the control group were 2.97, 3.06 and 3.28 for pretest, posttest and retention scores respectively. From the scores, before the take off of the experiment both classes were almost equal in ability. However, the ability level changed with the treatment of the experimental group and it became manifest in the posttest and retention scores of 4.89 and 4.88 respectively for experimental group and 3.06 and 3.28 for the control group respectively. The standard deviations of the experimental group were 0.0778, 1.0011 and 0.9338 for pretest, posttest and retention scores respectively; whereas for the control group we had 0.9996, 0.9241 and 0.8819 for pretest, posttest and retention scores respectively. Each of the standard deviation scores are within unit which indicates there were no extreme case scores. The null hypothesis tested at .05 level of significance showed that there were significant difference in the mean achievement and retention scores of the students taught machining with UMIM in respect of Principle of coolant fluid (dielectric fluid) and those taught same with Conventional method. In conclusion, the Principle of coolant fluid (dielectric fluid) provided better understanding of unconventional Machining techniques at so high temperatures devoid of melting the workpiece rather offering insulating effects; in line with emerging technologies in Machine tool industries the application of the findings of this study will boost the realization of SDGs 4 and 9. The researcher recommended increased emphasis on innovations supported by systemic reform of technical,  vocational and training  Education policies and practices to incorporate the emerging technologies.


