Revamping Teaching of Technical and Vocational Education Programme through the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Application Softwares for Effective Lesson Delivery in the Public Colleges of Education (Technical) in South Eastern St
ICTs, Application Softwares, TVE Programmes, Google Slides, Prezi, GeniallyAbstract
The study intends to determine the various ways of revamping the teaching of technical and vocational education programmes through the use of ICT application softwares in the public colleges of education (technical) in Anambra and Enugu State. The study was guided by three research questions and three null hypotheses. A census research design was adopted for the study. The population for the study 1was 50, comprising 28 male and 22 female lecturers of technical and vocational education (TVE) programme in the two public college of education (technical) in Anambra and Enugu States.The instrument used for data collection was a 23structured item questionnaire based on the three research questions that guided the study.The instrument was validated and the reliability of the instrument was determined using Cronbach Alpha which yielded 0.75. Out of the 50 copies of the questionnaire that was administered, 43 were retrieved, showing a 91.43% return rate. Mean, standard deviation and t-test statistic were the statistical tools used. Specifically, the study identified the various ways in which Google Slides, Prezi and Genially could be use in revamping the teaching of technical and vocational education programmes. Based on the study, the traditional classroom learning remain abstract which forces the students into rote memorization of the concept taught in order to pass the examination without considering the practical and
innovative application of those concepts taught in the classroom. Thus, TVE programme being a skill orientated programme requires an effective teaching delivery method which is capable of presenting realistic information about the concept taught thereby motivating and arousing the students‟ interest, which invariably allow the themto actively participate in the teaching and learning process. The findings of the study revealed among others which include; sharing access link to the student to have access to the content material, presenting TVE instructions with google slide using pear deck, Inserting of Youtube video for the prezi presentation, inserting of graphics for the prezi presentation and sharing genially instructions in the social media.