Strategies for Implementing Science Education Curriculum Reform at Universal Basic Education Level in Nigeria


  • Paulinus Ubaka Ugwoke Federal College of Education, Eha-Amufu, Enugu State


The study examined the strategies for implementing science education curriculum reform at universal basic education level in Nigeria. A survey research design was used. The population of the study was 1799 teachers under the Federal Teacher's Scheme (FTS) who participated in UBE - UNN capacity building workshop on core subjects, ICT and Phonics from Ebonyi and Enugu states. The sample consisted of 327 teachers drawn from the population using "Yaro Yamene formula". Simple random sampling method was further used to draw the respondents from the two states and a science education curriculum implementation Questionnaire (SECSIQ) was administered on the respondents' Mean (x), standard deviation (S.D) and ttest were the statistical analysis employed. The findings indicated that the teachers under the Federal teacher's scheme do not adequately possess the required strategies in both teaching and learning for the implementing the science curriculum reform at the UBE level of education in Nigeria. Based on the findings, it was recommended that the government should embark on retraining of the UBE teachers to enhance their knowledge in the implementation of the UBE programme. Also, adequate fund sustainability of the programme and material resources should be made available to the schools for effective. 


