Application of Innovative Monitoring Measures in Controlling Indiscipline among Secondary School Students in Enugu State


  • Justina N. Ikpenwa Department of Guidance and Counselling, Faculty of Education, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Agbani, Enugu State, Nigeria


innovative, monitoring, measure, indiscipline secondary school, students


The main purpose of the study was to determine the extent to which principals apply innovative monitoring measures in controlling indiscipline among secondary school students in Enugu State. One research question and two null hypotheses were formulated and tested at .05 level of significance. The entire population of 295 secondary school principals was used for the study. The population was made up of 160 male and 135 Female principals in the 242 rural and 53 urban public secondary schools in Enugu State. No sampling was done because the population was manageable. A self-structured questionnaire was used for data collection. The instrument was validated by three experts. The reliability of the instrument was determined using Cronbach Alpha Reliability Coefficient: The overall reliability coefficient was .89, indicating that the instrument was reliable and suitable for the study. 295 copies of questionnaire were administered and retrieved by the researcher with the help of six research assistants. The data collected were analyzed using Mean (x ) with Standard Deviation (SD) to answer the research question. The null hypotheses were tested using t-test statistic at .05 level of
significance. The analysis was done with the use of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Mean scores of 2.50 and above were considered positive and those below 2.50 were regarded as being negative. The null hypotheses were rejected when the significant level was less than 0.05 and were not rejected when the significant level was more than .05 level of significance. From the result of the findings the following conclusion were made; principals‟ to a great extent apply innovative monitoring measures in controlling indiscipline among secondary school students in Enugu State. Comparison of the male and female principals showed that, there was significant difference in the mean responses of male and female principals on the extent of principals‟ application of innovative monitoring measures in controlling indiscipline among secondary school students in Enugu State. Similarly, on the influence of location of schools, it was found in this study there is no significant difference in the mean ratings of urban and rural principals on the extent of principals‟ application of innovative monitoring measures and mentoring measures in controlling indiscipline among secondary school students in Enugu State. It was, therefore recommended among others that principals‟ application of the innovative monitoring measures in controlling indiscipline should be strengthened both at the urban and rural secondary schools in Enugu State.


