Availability, Utilization and Challenges Confronting the Use of Information and Communication Technology Resources in Adult Literacy Centres in Cross River State, Nigeria
Availability, utilization, challenges, Information, communication technology, resources, adult literacyAbstract
This study investigated the availability, utilization and challenges confronting the use of information and communication technology resources in adult literacy programmes in Cross River State, Nigeria. Three research questions were formulated for the study. The design for the study was descriptive survey. The population of the study was 112 facilitators drawn from adult literacy centres in Cross River State. There was no sampling technique because the population was manageable and used for the study. Researchers developed questionnaire titled Use of Information and Communication Technology in Adult Literacy Programmes Questionnaire (UICTALPQ). The instrument for data collection was 22-items questionnaire which was validated by research experts and tested with a reliability estimate of 0.86 using Cronbach Alpha statistics. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The findings which emerged from the study revealed that resources are not available in adult literacy centres and are not being utilized and also adult literacy programmes are confronted with challenges such as epileptic power supply, inadequate trained staff and high cost of ICT resources among others. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended among others that government at various levels and donor agencies should provide adequate funds for the purchase of ICT resources materials for effective service delivery and retraining programmes for facilitators for effective use of ICT facilities in adult literacy programmes.