Analysis of the Physiological Risk Factors of Cardiovascular Diseases among Adult Members in Enugu State Sport Club
Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD), Risk Factors, Enugu State Sports ClubAbstract
The study analyzed the physiological risk factors of cardiovascular diseases among adult members of Enugu State Sports Club and the implications of emerging technologies for achieving sustainable development goals. Three specific purposes and three research questions guided the study. Quasi-experimental research design was adopted for this study. The population for the study consisted of all members of the Enugu State Sports Club however only 76 (28 females and 48 males) willing to participate in the experiment were recruited. The equipment used for the experiment includes a scale, tape, a calculator for measuring body mass index, a sphygmomanometer for measuring blood pressure level, el and a glucometer for measuring blood sugar level. Construct validity was performed to ensure that the instruments were accurately measuring what they were supposed to measure. The experiment was carried out on days agreed on between the researcher, the research assistants, and the participants. Data collected were analyzed using percentages while the hypotheses were done using Chi-Square-Test. The results showed that except for body mass index which appeared normal (51.3%), blood pressure level (67.1%) and Blood sugar level (60.5%) were found to be a physiological risk factor for cardiovascular disease and there was no significant difference among male and female participants in all cases. The study concluded that high blood pressure levels and high blood sugar are the major risk of cardiovascular diseases among members of Enugu State
sport club and this is a major concern because the causes of these physiological conditions are not definite. Therefore, the only hope for in-depth understanding and prevention of this condition is emerging technologies. The study recommends that; participation in physical activities and consumption of a healthy diet may reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure and high blood sugar, regular cardiovascular medical check-ups should be encouraged and the Government should ensure the provision of equipment for measuring high blood pressure and blood sugar among individuals as well as organize awareness campaign on ways to prevent cardiovascular diseases.