An Assessment of Non-formal Education Programme in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State: The Need for Curriculum Reform in 21st Century
In this work, the researcher tried to assess Non-formal education programme in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State and x-ray the need for the curriculum to be reformed in the 21st century to enable it address the needs, interest and aspiration of the non-formal education participants. Four research questions guided the study. The population for the study was 1244 Non-Formal education learners in four council wards: two from Nsukka central and two from Nsukka west local government area of Enugu state. Through simple random sampling, 600 non-formal education learners were selected for the study. The design is descriptive survey while the instrument used for data collection was a well-structured and guided questionnaire. Simple percentage and frequency distribution was used for analyzing the data. The following major findings emerged: The current curriculum of Non-Formal Education (NFE) focuses only on basic literacy; the reform of Non Formal Education Curriculum will make the programme more effective and responsive to current societal needs . Major recommendations were also stated which includes; Government at all levels and NGOs as well as wealthy Nigerians should help in the funding of Non-formal education programmes Adult and Non-formal education curriculum should be diversified so as to enable it cater for the varied needs, problems and interest of its clientele.