Impact of Principals’ Management Practices on Teachers’ Job Performance in Secondary Schools in Enugu Education Zone
Principal, Management practices, Teachers’ job performanceAbstract
This study was set to determine the impact of principals‟ management practices on teachers‟ job performance in secondary schools in Enugu Education Zone. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design and was guided by two research questions and two null hypotheses. The study was carried out in Enugu State with the population of 1935 teachers in all the 32 secondary schools in Enugu Education Zone. There are 287 male and 1648 female teachers in Enugu Education Zone (Post Primary Schools Management Board, PPSMB 2022) with a purposive sample size of 183 respondents, comprising 87 male 96 female teachers. The instrument for data collection was a structured four point scale and weighted questionnaire developed by the researchers titled “Impact of Principals‟ Management Practices on Teachers‟ Job Performance Questionnaire (IPMPTJPQ)”. The questionnaire was validated by three research experts and the reliability index of 0.79 was established using Cronbach Alpha. Analysis of data was done using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions while hypotheses were tested using t-test in SPSS at .05 level of significance and 181 degree of freedom. The study found that principals‟ planning practices impact greatly on teachers‟ job performance as it optimizes resource
allocation, inspires teachers to do more work, establishes a basis for teamwork, gives an organization a sense of direction, focuses attention on objectives, stimulates creativity, focuses attention on objectives, among others. It was recommended that secondary school principals should ensure the acquisition of saleable managerial practices of effective service delivery in Enugu State, and planning practices as a skill should effectively be adopted by principals for effective work output.