Deployment of Assistive Technology in University Libraries for Achieving Inclusive and Quality Education for Students with Visual Impairment in Enugu State
Assistive Technology, Visual impairment, Inclusive education, Quality Education, University Libraries, LibrariansAbstract
Students with visual impairment require assistive technologies to function independently like other students so as to acquire quality education. This study examines the need for deployment of Assistive Technology in University Libraries for achieving inclusive and quality education for students with visual impairment in Enugu State. Specifically, the study identifies the assistive technology available in university libraries in Enugu State; extent of deployment of assistive technology by Librarians for achieving inclusive and quality education for students with visual impairment in Enugu State; and extent to which the deployment of assistive technology by Librarians can facilitate the achievement of inclusive and quality education for students with visual impairment in Enugu State. Descriptive survey design were adopted for the study. Population for the study comprises 228 librarians from NAL, UNN and ESUT, Library. Total enumeration technique were used. The study employed observation checklist and Structured questionnaire to collect data from the respondents. Mean and standard deviation were used to analyse data collected. The study founds out that, there is inadequate assistive technology in ESUT, Library, and somewhat adequate in NAL, UNN. That's notwithstanding, there were low deployment of assistive technology by Librarian for achieving inclusive and quality education for students with visual impairment. The study also founds out that, if adequately deployed, assistive technology has the potentials of facilitating inclusive and quality education for students with visual impairment. The study recommends that, the university libraries should source for funds from the parent institution and NGOs to acquire assistive technology to meet the information needs of students with visual impairment.