Effect of Audio-Visual Materials on Senior Secondary School Students’ Interest in Chemistry in Agbani Education Zone Enugu State


  • Nkiruka Jacinta Iyida Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT), Enugu State
  • Charles U. Eze Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT), Enugu State


Audio-visual materials, Interest, Chemistry


This study investigated the effect of Audio-Visual Materials(AVM) on senior secondary school students‟ interest in chemistry in Agbani Education zone of Enugu State. Two research questions and two null hypotheses guided the study. A QuasiExperimental Non-equivalent Control Group Design was adopted for the study. A sample of 148 SS II chemistry students, drawn by both purposive and simple random sampling techniques from two co-educational schools in Enugu South Local government Area of Agbani Education zone was used for the study. The two schools were assigned to experimental and control groups. Two intact classes in each school were randomly assigned one to experimental and the other to control group. The two experimental groups were taught using AVM and lecture method while the control groups were taught using the lecture method only. The instrument for data collection was the Chemistry Interest Scale (CIS) which was developed by the researcher. The null hypotheses were tested at (P < 0.05) using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The result of data analysis showed a significant difference between the mean interest scores of SS2 students taught using AVM and lecture and their counterparts taught without AVM, there is a significant difference in the mean interest scores of males and females taught using AVM and lecture with the female students showing more interest than their female counterparts. Based on the findings, some recommendations were made which include; that in-service training, seminars and workshops should be
organized by government and relevant professional bodies like STAN to educate and sensitize the teachers on the need for AVM and on how to effectively use them for their lesson delivery.


