Emerging Training Needs of Public Secondary School Principals on Financial Management for Job Performance in Southeast, Nigeria
Secondary school principal, financial management, training needsAbstract
The study investigated the emerging financial management training needs of secondary school principals for job performance in Southeast, Nigeria. One research question and one null hypothesis guided the study. It was a descriptive survey research conducted in Southeast Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria. The population for the study was 1263 principals of public secondary schools in Southeast Geopolitical Zone. Proportionate random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 127 respondents, representing 10% of the population. The researchers used structured questionnaire titled Financial Management Training Needs of Secondary School‟s Principals Questionnaire (FMTNSSPQ), for data collection. The instrument was validated by 2 research experts in Educational Management and 1 research expert in Measurement and Evaluation. To ensure the reliability of the instrument, the validated instrument was administered to 20 principals in Delta State. To ascertain the internal consistency of the instrument, Crombach alpha method was used to compute the reliability estimate which yielded coefficient of „r‟-.72, that is considered appropriate to the study. The researchers personally administered the instrument to the respondents. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research question while z-test was used to test the hypothesis. The result showed that secondary school principals in Southeast Nigeria need in-service training on financial management. It was therefore recommended that the Post Primary School Management Board should organize workshops on financial management since the result indicated that pincipals need capacity building in it and donor agencies should channel resources to capacity building of secondary school principals in financial management.