Social Media Utilization: Key to Labour Harmony in Universities in Enugu State
This study aimed at determining the extent to which social media is utilized for Labour Harmony in Universities in Enugu state. Design adopted for the study was descriptive survey design. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. Area of the study was Enugu state of Nigeria. The population was made up of 203 staff of public Universities and 108 staff of private Universities. Sample for this study was 311 respondents, 218 from public and 93 from private Universities. A 30-item structured questionnaire titled Questionnaire on Extent of Utilization of social media for Labour Harmony in Universities in Enugu state (QESMLHU) was used for data collection. The questionnaire was validated by three research experts. The overall reliability coefficient value for the instrument was .67 obtained through Cronbach’s Alpha Method. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while z-test statistic was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 significant level. It was found in this study that social media is utilized poorly staff welfare and Interpersonal relations and this may be the cause of unsatisfactory Interpersonal harmony in Universities in Enugu state. Base on these findings, it was recommended that administrators of public and private Universities should continue to utilize social media staff welfare and Interpersonal relations so as to enthrone labour harmony in their universities.